Please refer to the sizes listed in the individual product details. Sizes are displayed in pixels.
If you are working with a designer or printer, please contact them prior to purchasing so they can advise you about the size/format. Each printer and/or designer may have different preferences, requirements, etc..
JPEG files do not support layers or transparency. If you know how to work with JPEGs, yes you can edit the file, but please be aware that not all of our images come with layers. Any JPEG files come with the backgrounds that you see on the site (white, gray, shaded, black, etc), minus the watermark.
Some of our raster files include PNG in addition to the JPEG. PNG files sometimes include transparent backgrounds, however this is not always the case. If you require a transparent background, please check the individual details of the product you wish to purchase to make sure background transparency is available. You may also contact customer service prior to purchasing to check on availability of transparency for the image(s) that you need.
You cannot increase the size of a raster file (JPEG, GIF or PNG) without distortion, but you can make the image smaller without losing image quality. For this reason all of our graphics are currently sold and delivered in the largest size we have available for that particular image graphic. The file size of every graphic is listed in the product details. You will want double check with your project details to see what size that you will need, and make sure that the available file size will do the job. You can shrink it down for smaller projects as needed.
The vector files (EPS, AI, SVG, PDF) are often required for large scale printing; billboards, posters, signs, big rig advertising, etc. These formats are unlimited in size, however they require vector compatible software to open, size, use, and even to view. We recommend the current version of Adobe Photoshop and/or Illustrator to use these the applicable formats, as many of our graphics use colors, meshes or gradients that are not compatible with other programs. We recommend vector compatible software and experience for editing or use of these formats.